NOT Red Bull

It was a cooler morning for this time in Summer. No blazing sun to bake you in a 40 degree C oven or searing bitumen in the carpark. I scanned along the line of cars to find the rest of todays’ crew. Easy to spot the Old Bulls, amongst the gaggle of young board riders, as they readied for a little ocean playboat fun.

The youngster parked next to me peers out to sea and sighs. No great waves for him today but not so for us. He downs a can of Red Bull sports drink, grabs his board and jogs down the cliff path, hoping the Red Bull will kick into the waves as well. I look at the Red Bull can still sitting on the bonnet of his car, thinking “maybe it does give you wings”. It’s a bit of a climb down the cliff path carrying your kayak and wings would be handy.

The closest I can see of an energy drink is Steve sipping a lukewarm breakfast coffee. I don’t know how he manages to consume it that way. We are here for the fun of surfing a few small waves, no energy drink, no sponsors stickers, no Go Pro. Just a small group of Old Bulls having FUN.

We aren’t sponsored by anyone. Actually, that’s wrong; some of us are sponsored by our Superannuation Funds and others by various side line acts and supported by our wives and partners although maybe they are just happy to see us out from under their feet. I think we actually sponsor the nearby Becks Bakery as we often seem to end up there.

We are definitely Old Bulls not Red Bulls, but we are out there running like Bulls, or should I say Paddling. The surf is “below average” today but the fun levels will be sky high, especially in retelling of exploits at the bakery. Funny how the waves are always bigger and maneuvers more spectacular when accompanied by a coffee and bun.

Here’s a few photos of FUN.

I just realise that I didn’t fit my nose plug

Seaweed Steve always seems to be nearby.

Seaweed Steve on the charge
Just cleaning out my sinus cavity
Berny looking serious but still having fun

You’re still with us !! Well here’s a short video to waste another 90 seconds. I have to go now as I need to check my letterbox for the expected bundle of Valentines Day cards.


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